Thursday, May 29, 2008

Act from thought should quickly follow.

What is thinking for?

- "Twelve Songs," VII, W.H. Auden

Friday, May 16, 2008

Habits 7.5

I'm not sure under which habit this would fall, but the actual realization of the idea continually proves to be the greatest challenge for me. Thus, I have been sitting on my first blog entry for weeks, hoping for... something better?

Ever since I first started working in libraries, I have aspired to being autodidactical. It is easy to fall into the belief that just about everything one needs to know can be found in a book; and of course, there is plenty enough to keep one busy. However, I have always felt challenged by the limit of my own scope: how does one really know what one doesn't know? Luckily, learning seems to happen regardless, as long as one is willing to put oneself out there and allow themselves to be stimulated by the world around them; and it works even better if one allows one's self to be flexible and maintain a curiosity and wonder about the world around them.

I guess I fear that a blog can tell you as much about a blogger as well as the blogger wants to tell someone about whatever they are blogging. Motivation can be questionable, including my own as a blogger. I guess, when one can not see into the eye, a blog can be the virtual window to the soul. So I will promise to practice some self control and not give the reader more than they want, whatever that may be, as I plunge in and add my own voice to the din of all the others out there in cyberspace.

On a more practical note, I can see more positive uses for blogging in the context of the library as well as already experienced the benefits from sneaking peaks at my fellow 23thingers. From the basic idea of journaling a running review of books read in hopes to lead others to a good read to chronically ones own experiences exploring this aspect of modern communication to archiving a small essence of ones own existence and experience in a particular time and place for posterity.