Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Aesthetic of "Too Much"

Finally, a way to access the information on all the web sites I would wish to visit, but only needing to visit one site. What a time saver. It reminds me of how the Internet used to be back in the 90s, with hardly any graphic content, constant invasive advertising or design layout to get in the way of gleaning the information.

As the Internet continues to grow deeper and wider, allowing greater access to more information in even more sensorially stimulating ways, I sometimes feel in my advancing maturity that it is becoming almost too much for me to want to deal with, not having the time to keep up with it all. It seems to have its own obsessive obligation: the more one has more access to more information in a more real-time, the more one would be missing out or encouraging ones own ignorance by not taking opportunity to take advantage. A newsreader like Bloglines helps me to feel like I am on top of the information that I want instead of floundering in the overwhelming quantity of it.

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